I never really went into the links posted on the side, so I'll give a few examples of what inspired me to visualize the installation of the fake rainbow. There are more links off to the side, but these one's I wanted to point out specifically, since they have the most relevance.
This artist does a bunch of fun stuff with neon lights, which I considered for a bit before deciding it was outside my budget

There is an installation in Japan called 'Puddle' using only rolls of cellophane - very inspirational

This 'color activity house' was a big inspiration for using cellophane

There is an entire blog with fake cloud installations that I found

A cellophane installation
bright, plastic colors

Silver cloud installation apparently by Andy Warhol

So after much lack of sleep, only eating twice today (both times it was instant soup), and extensive planning I have put up and taken down said fake rainbow in one day. It turned out pretty awesome with a slight variety in light sources, despite not being in a plain white room with multiple, bright light sources like I would have had if I lived in perfectville. HERE ARE THE PICTURES

The boxes were hung with fishing wire that was strung through the top then wrapped around a pop-sickle stick cross made by gluing two together with gorilla glue.  

It was actually kind of hassle fussing with the arrangement of the cellophane as it hung.

There was a super photo light that I played around with. Would have used more than one but I only wanted to risk one of the expensive lights instead of two.

Turns out I didn't need the flashlights either.

Yes, those are showercaps. They were meant to be filled with cotton balls but I forgot both times. They are clouds. I'm thinking of re-using them for some sort of hanging jellyfish decoration. 

The weather could either be good or bad for lighting in this project, since it's a RAINbow rain might be good but since it's supposed to be colorful perhaps the clouds are not what I need. Still battling myself over where to put it, but I have a plan (to the right you can see it roughly drawn out in Photoshop) for either the classroom or gallery three, whichever I can get to by Wednesday or Thursday. This is all based on time, supplies, and availability of space. We'll see how it turns out.

The best place to hold this little installation is either in my classroom or 'art gallery 3'; I discussed this with my teacher of course. What I am looking for is a white background to record the effect of light with cellophane, so either of these places would work, as the classroom has the option of a white projector screen/movable tack-board in front of the windows, and the gallery is painted white. I'll still need to get hooks for hanging and cotton balls for filling my shower caps to make fake clouds, but that's all up for speculation still. Hopefully I'll get it hung soon, one way or the other, take some pictures, and then take it down, since this is a very 'temporary' installation.

         I have decided on the rainbow, thought how it's going to work out I don't know. On Friday I went out to the dollar store and bought some cheap flashlights for putting inside the boxes for the rainbow and some shower caps (for clouds). Yesterday I found colored cellophane at Michael's in red, amber, green, blue, and purple. Orange can just be the overlapping of red and yellow.  I also got some fishing line which may or may not work for stringing clouds and such. I'm still unsure about how I'm going to attach the boxes, perhaps I will string them as well, and not even put them on the ceiling. Either way, now I have all my materials for my 'cellophane rainbow' and now just need to find a space for the actual project. Something temporary, even. It doesn't need to stay up forever. Also I posted my favorite/the most relevant links up that are in relation to this project.

It is part of the requirement of my Digital Media art class that I make an installation piece and create a blog about it. So today I procrastinated from other homework by doing this homework, which will not be due for a while. I’ll be posting pictures mostly. For part of the process I did a little research, trying to figure out where I can get refrigerator boxes and what the specific pieces from Clue were. 

The initial idea behind these were all different; the first two of the cardboard box and the clue-crime scene play on the idea of brining your childhood memories with you into college and how people will intereact with these nostalgic environments as a totally different person compared to their childhood self. The rainbow, however, more plays on materialistic happiness as represented in a manufactured rainbow, a universal symbol of happiness and generally good things. It's upside down for the same reason. Turn a smile upside down and it becomes a frown. All about symbolism.