So after much lack of sleep, only eating twice today (both times it was instant soup), and extensive planning I have put up and taken down said fake rainbow in one day. It turned out pretty awesome with a slight variety in light sources, despite not being in a plain white room with multiple, bright light sources like I would have had if I lived in perfectville. HERE ARE THE PICTURES

The boxes were hung with fishing wire that was strung through the top then wrapped around a pop-sickle stick cross made by gluing two together with gorilla glue.  

It was actually kind of hassle fussing with the arrangement of the cellophane as it hung.

There was a super photo light that I played around with. Would have used more than one but I only wanted to risk one of the expensive lights instead of two.

Turns out I didn't need the flashlights either.

Yes, those are showercaps. They were meant to be filled with cotton balls but I forgot both times. They are clouds. I'm thinking of re-using them for some sort of hanging jellyfish decoration.